Traditional Agro-Ecosystems in the Carpathians Region
- Summary
- Detailed Information
The Carpathian region is a refuge for the original agro-ecosystems, traditional knowledge and customs of the people of Central and Eastern Europe. Over centuries, the interaction of nature and humanity in the Carpathian region have resulted in a landscape rich in both domesticated and wild species, and habitats. The traditional agro-ecosystems of this region are high in genetic biodiversity and offer an opportunity to revive and use more than 10,000 derived over generations from at least 300 domesticated and introduced plant species. The landscape mosaic that evolved as a result of it, is very beautiful and rich in different micro-ecological sub-systems on which highly integrated and complementary agricultural activities take place.
Recent developments, like the EU-accession have now created an environment conducive to revitalizing this traditional agro-ecosystem.